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Into the Womb


A four-week online group program begins on Tuesdays, March 9, 16, 23, and 30, from 6:30 to 7:45 p.m. Pacific time. Recordings will be available for playback.

Welcome, courageous women, to this REBIRTH rite of passage through the womb and into the new you!

As we honor the cycles of life, we must give ourselves permission to allow sacred spaces for healing, letting go, and giving birth to ourselves, and new ways of being. We will explore the depths of your creative potential and essential connection to your family lineage.

We often continue our journey in life even after experiencing challenges such as abortion, miscarriage, or the loss of a child. Our culture simply doesn’t allow us much space to sit with a trauma.

Perhaps you want to birth a child or project into existence and have been unable to. Emotions like grief, mourning, resentment, regret, or even emotional and spiritual bypassing can block the flow of our creative energy.

It's essential to acknowledge that each child, however briefly they journeyed with us, remains a spiritual being connected to our family lineage. This program will delve into the significance of freeing these souls. Whether we undertake this work for ourselves, our mothers, our grandmothers, or our lineage, releasing these beings is vital for them to find their rightful place and fulfill their purpose. Many souls continue to create alongside us, even in spirit.

Through intentional co-creation, we can bridge connections and expand our understanding. This work's bonus is that it liberates us, our ancestors, the children of today, and those of tomorrow. This means your children, ready to come in or already here, won’t have to do this work for you.

Get ready to embark on a journey of rebirth into a new and more creative version of yourself.

This online program will mark a ceremonial rite of passage for endings and new life or projects to give birth to.

To determine if this program is right for you, please fill out the form and leave your contact number for a direct 1:1 call. We have four spots available, and our group will not exceed seven or eight women.

What to expect:

  • Womb practices and connection with like-minded women for support

  • Shamanic clearing to release negative energies, traumas, and subconscious beliefs

  • Working at a higher consciousness level to manifest a fulfilling life

  • Learning to reach theta state to work on new levels of co-creation

  • Inquiry exercises to access deeper states of embodied wisdom

  • Receive channeled messages from the Divine Feminine Mother for unconditional love and guidance

  • Releasing and illuminating souls within your family constellation

  • Opening channels and communication for co-creation with aligned spirits

  • Communication with spirit children

  • A new level of empowerment as you align with your new energy

  • REBIRTH into the new you

    I emphasize walking the sacred path with integrity, encapsulated in my unity prayer:

    "May everything you create benefit not only yourself but also our ancestors, the children of today and tomorrow, humanity, our planet, the universe, and beyond!" - Yve 

    This is the true meaning of UNITY consciousness, which some are ready to initiate and expand.

    Unity starts within, and the work begins when you say yes!


Yve Hart, emerging from a lineage of shamanic healers, is a multi-modality practitioner. Alongside roles such as a devoted mother, Heart-Mind Life Coach, Theta Healer® Master Instructor, Energy/Intuitive Healer, artist, medium, writer, and speaker, she is celebrated for her versatile approach to healing.   She is a channel for the Divine Mother and serves the Divine Feminine through her artwork, ceremonies, and transmissions. 

Renowned for guiding clients and fellow healers to uncover their inner guru, unlock their greatness and genius, connect their creative inner child, and tap into their innate intelligence.

Yve is dedicated to serving as a guiding light with higher guidance for those who understand the significance of mastering their vibration, harnessing their inherent superpowers, and embracing their divinity. Her personal journey through “health opportunities,” which included stage four cancer, has deepened her knowledge in wellness, emotional healing, and ancestral work, awakening her to truths through lived experience.  

March 25


April 27

Women's Temazcal Ceremony