G. Michael Lawrence

It was an amazing experience as Yve had already read my energy prior to my arrival....mind you I have met her once before in a different setting under different circumstances in different states of ourselves.  This time I felt we had an instant connection as we were both in a state of what I would describe as our natural selves.

Upon my arrival Yve immediately mentioned that my energy was different than when we first met.  But this brilliant, spiritual being also read my energy prior to our first meeting and quickly pointed out that I was in my natural state then and now.  She opened my eyes about my shape shifting and ability to adjust to surroundings.  

We spent some time meditating...actually Yve showed me how to fall into a more relaxed state and educated me on the steps to return to this state.

During my meditative state Yve guided me through some negative energy that I was allowing to manifest.  Yve showed me that letting go of the past and ACCEPTING the past would allow me to have a more peaceful existence.  I had an AHA moment when I read a post from a friend of mine....."forgive others not because they deserve forgiveness, but because you deserve peace".  Harboring negative memories affects your ability to grow and accept what is good into your heart.

I am very guarded when it comes to sharing my spirituality as the world is quick to judge that which they do not understand.

But with Yve guiding you, you will better understand yourself.


G. Michael Lawrence


Teri Jecmen


Miranda Rondeau