Kambo Medicine

Photo: Heather Bejar Photography


Sometimes you have to look outside the box to find next-level healing.

Ancestral medicine has become more popular, and slowly but surely, it is leaping out of the jungle and into our society.  Our culture is in desperate need of healing.  Now is the time that we find another way of genuinely healing, whether it is in conjunction or as an alternative to conventional medicine.

Warning, this subject may repel some readers, but it does require us to have the courage to look into it with the hope of inspiring those who are genuinely searching for a new way to heal.

Kambo is a beautiful medicine, and it’s only ONE of my most prized protocols for healing. Kambo partners great with Theta Healing, breathwork, shamanic healing, healthy diet and cleansing, energy work, sound healing, (almont everything I offer because it works) and more.  The perfect healing modality and medicine always seem to leap into my life!

NOTE: I am not trained in serving Kambo, but I do host ceremonies and may be a guardian (or assistant) from time to time since I have received about 33 treatments since summer of 2022 and am very familiar with the spirit of Kambo.


By 2018, I had already had a year of experiencing breast cancer. The cancer was initially diagnosed in the summer of 2017. I saw a countless alternative, holistic, and integrative doctors engaged in many protocols to keep my immune system strong. I was very aware and careful not to wake up dangerous viruses (Epstein Barr) that have been known to attack my body by using medications, chemicals, and/or stress. I did extensive testing and research while listening to my inner guidance. I had to make a hard decision about a bi-lateral mastectomy that I eventually said yes to. But, due to some test results that pointed to high inflammation markers and low immunity, I decided to cancel the surgery for a later date and replace it with something that would shake things up because I needed my health to improve fast!I chose to be poisoned by an Amazonian frog’s venom with the hope that my health would revive quickly enough to bring me much-needed strength to handle such an extensive surgery. My concern was the tumor growth and cancer spreading to other parts of my body, as this was the characteristic of this kind of cancer. Yeah, I know it’s risky and may sound a little crazy that I chose not to do chemo or radiation and instead chose an alternative outside of the western and conventional ways of healing. Natural medicine always made sense to me.

The frog's secretion is not a poison to the human body; It’s one of the most potent medicines I have come in union with. The research pointed the way to this medicine having much success in removing viruses, bacteria, and infections while rebooting the immune system.

The goal is to recover quickly from surgery with a robust immune system, no viral attacks, and little to no circulating cancer cells in the blood. I could not afford to have ‘waking viruses’ attacking the immune system after surgery and allowing cancer to spread.  This is why surgery could have been that “stressor” that could wake up my viruses if I didn’t control my health as soon as possible. Also, I am aware that surgery could also ‘spread’ cancer cells, and I was willing to continue protocols after surgery to ensure I take care of the rest. I knew that I had to fully trust and surrender to Kambo because of how it had been guided into my life many times over until I felt my alignment with it. I can testify now that I have jumped into a different dimension of health and vitality with this miracle medicine.


Kambo is not a hallucinogen or even poison or toxin to the human body. It’s a lucid experience when you come into a union with medicine.

“Kambo is a holistic body detoxification process that brings clarity to all levels of our being. It strengthens the immune system and rids the body from heavy metals, fungal and viral diseases, parasites, bacteria, and other toxins. Kambo soothes headaches, lifts mental fog, removes negative moods and thoughts, increases motivation, and improves focus. Kambo gives us energy and positivity and aids in depression and chronic pain.” Zahra Sita (retreat facilitator from Posada Natura).

Photo taken after my first six Kambo retreat treatments in 2018.  I had over 60 gates applied to both legs.

This Amazonian medicine comes from “The giant tree frog” and offers itself to medicine people that sing to it a particular song(s) in the early hours of the morning. Doing “no harm” to the frog is part of the medicine, and because it is respected, only positivity and well-being are transferred over to the ones using it as medicine. With respect given in return, it creates an invisible shield of protection and luck around the person strengthening the auric field.  Kambo is administered through a minor burn in the skin called a gate. Usually, adults get three (or more) burn holes in specific areas of the body. The burned skin is scratched off to allow exposure to the lymphatic system. The medicine or facilitator will apply the frog secretion on the gate to be absorbed into the body. There are nine biocative peptides are present in Kambo. The tribes say it scans the body, and it immediately knows where to work for your specific body ailment.

I experienced my first six Kambo ceremonies from an authentically trained practitioner on a retreat I will call “T” here to respect his privacy. “T” was the leader of our retreat, is an initiated carrier of this medicine, trusted to bring it to us from the Noke Koi tribe in the Amazon. He is a gifted healer and holds a pristine space for the healing process. I started my Kambo journey incredibly nervous, but felt very held by this medicine man and the community that came for healing.  The first day I received seven gates at my first ceremony.  The most notable celebration was after my first Kambo session a fungal rash that covered my 3/4 of my body for the previous 18 months was completely gone. By the third day, I had ten gates applied.  After six sessions and over sixty burn holes later, I had regained my vitality and clarity of who I am again and how I was going to continue walking my path.  My energy and vitality was at an all time high, and pounds of inflammation had vanished.    That retreat changed my life in so many ways.

A price comes with the medicine: discomfort and pain, which ‘we’ westerners are repelled by. During the first minute or two, the blood pressure rises and only drops again. Then you start to feel nausea and the need to purge.  The purging is a necessary and influential part of the healing process as the toxins are released. The discomfort and purging last only about 20-30 minutes, but the healing is worth it. Sacred songs are played during the Kambo ceremony to assist in the “Getting Well” party. Each purge is a metaphor for letting go of the spiritual, mental, and physical fog that isn’t necessary for us to carry anymore. The peptides, along with the energy of the intention and songs, propels the lymphatic system, physical body, and all the organs to eliminate our poisons into the stomach, which in turn causes our purge on all levels. The Amazon people celebrate the release of “Panema’ or bad luck that a person had been holding on to on many levels.


The gratitude and presence we bring into the ceremony are essential during the elimination process and healing. Our attention and focus give the medicine direction because “we are our own greatest healers,” and no one else has the power we have inside to heal ourselves. Not the Shaman, the frog, or any plant medicine has more ability to heal than we do. We must have the dedication and intention to recover from within fully. Kambo reminds us how much courage and power we truly have. Can you tell I am someone who will do ANYTHING to get well, no matter how extreme it is, as long as I do not harm myself or others?  After the ceremony, there is rest and integration. During my recovery after my first session, I was guided to jump in the pond and swim with the frogs. It is crucial to deeply listen to what we are called to do after a Kambo session. According to many tribes, the medicine of Kambo keeps working with us on many levels for a minimum of 4 months, and if you do a minimum of 3 sessions, it will be your permanent guide.


Before the Kambo retreat, I did a Live Blood Analysis to see precisely how Kambo worked for me. I would never put myself through such an intense ceremony without any evidence of it working. Although I can FEEL and see the immense difference in my body- I wanted biological data.

I took the Blood Analysis test before Kambo, and after six sessions, my blood showed an 80-85% improvement in hiding viruses and heavy metals!  Lyme disease was completely CLEAR! 

I dis not need a test to see a fungal rash that covered over 3/4 of my body disappear after day one.  After 18 months of not finding a solution for the itchy and hot rash, one Kambo session proved that this medicine was my best friend.  I also had about 15 pounds of inflammation melt off, and my skin and energy were radiating!  My vitality that had been shelved for years came back.  I quickly tested my new self and went dancing for hours with my family and friends. 

After six more Kambo ceremonies in my own home with a local certified practitioner, virus infections had become undetectable!!  But, note that Epstein Barr can be dormant without being detectable. 

After so much work on healing myself, the tumor was still noticeable on my breast, but it did not grow, which baffled the surgeons. Research proves that at least one peptide in Kambo encapsulates tumors and prevents them from growing. I noticed the tumor did shrink a bit, but I did feel guided to trust the law of least resistance and have surgery followed by more Kambo later to rid myself of any chemicals or side effects from the procedure. I did 2 Kambo ceremonies after surgery and a cycle of Black Salve.  Kambo, from start to finish, is a sacred act of ceremony and healing. I learned (again) why ‘medicine’ should be carried by those adequately trained, a reverence for the holy, and holding the light of integrity for true healing vs. using medicine solely for profits.

Unfortunately, tribes are exploiting their medicines and traditions. It is a sad story that I hope we can be weary of when choosing the right people to hold space for us while healing. The ways the frogs are chosen and left unharmed and the intentions of the Medicine people are all critical for the harmony of the rainforest and us coming in union with the medicines.   Even though this medicine is legal and accessible, we must fully align with how it ‘leaps' into your lives.

Listen to your inner guidance and only experience the medicine if you are in complete integrity with it and when you are ready to fully commit to your healing and be ok with the discomfort that comes with it. The gifts will pour in if you are open to receiving them.

This medicine is not for everyone!    Choose wisely when choosing a Kambo practitioner. 

May the light of love guide your way,



Science of Kambo

Kambo’s Pysical and Spiritual Properties for Pain and Addiction

Video on Kambo

Rebuilidng your Gut Biome to Heal Lyme, Autoimune Disease, and other Chronic Illnesses


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