Reprogram Yourself to Heal

Most people after a health diagnosis like chronic fatigue, cancer, weight gain or excess inflammation, or an auto-immune issues go straight to food and lifestysyle changes, and what the doctor orders. I want to offer you something to integrate into your healing toll box that is widely overlooked.

For me, the Universe insisted that I work even deeper on my belief systems. I held a lot of programs on the subconscious levels that kept me in “victim”, “sacrafice” and “oppression” and so many others trapping me in fear. When I started learning about Theta Healing and muscle testing for beliefs I realized that many outdated programs came from my ancestory line. These are just some examples of many beliefs I have tapped into. The purpose is to complete and replace them with new and aligned belief systems that empower my life.

Early on in my life I remember a vow I made to reprogram myself and the family lineage. I absolutely knew that this kind of healing was necessary before bringing in a child. I wouldn’t want my son to carry so much burden, shame, guilt, and limiting beliefs forward. I vowed to do my part, as much as humanly possible, so that he doesn’t have to. But, after having my son, It also brought in another layer of beliefs that were begging to be replaced. And remember, what we do for ourselves now will benefit and upgrade our ancestors and our legacy. A win win for everyone!

Things to consider while on the path to healing yourself and others:

  1. Toxins- (acclumated over time or born with).

  2. Auto-immune issues- (born with or acquired).

  3. Subconscious belief systems are in the way of your healing or blocking your success as a healer.

    (This includes unresolved traumas and ancestral beliefs).

  4. Addiction and negative mind set.

  5. Lifestyle choices- that include your work and life partner.

  6. Purification; mind, body, spirit -on all levels.

  7. Environment.

  8. Negative energy attachment and low vibration.

  9. Other factors that medical professionals can handle.

But, what so many don't pay attention too are the outdated subconscious belief systems which is #3 on the list. This blog post is about belief systems because they are so often overlooked. Below, I have listed various subconscious beliefs to look for while you are healing or on the healer’s path.

All these opportunities have led me to walk the healer's path.

I give gratitude to the "health opportunities" for giving me the strength and dedication to continue my life's purpose.

I learned that listening to myself is the most valuable gift to have. That no one except me gives the final decision on the path to take.

One of Cancer’s gifts were leading me to dig deeper into my subconscious belief systems.

People do not realize how essential it is to rewire unwanted beliefs systems when you need healing or upgrades in your life.

This is my offering to you; dig deeper into your subconscious and find out what is in the way of manifesting health, wealth, and aligned relationships. We operate on such a limited part of our conscious mind. Most of our actions are based upon around 95% of subconscious belief systems operating in the background. For those wanting to heal themselves or take the path of the healer; I am listing just a few basic beliefs that can be lingering in the background of the subconscious mind. Normally, within a session we do muscle testing for specific beliefs that someone may have.

These are very basic beliefs many people on the healing path will want to test for.

  • I am worthy of healing.

  • I am ready to heal.

  • I am worthy of being a healer.

  • I will heal.

  • I am allowed to charge for my healing services.

  • I will be killed for being a healer.

  • I am connected to the Creator (God, Great Spirit, The Universe).

  • I am living in my power and purpose

    Because my work is rooted in uncovering what is in the way of your success, it is important to complete and replace outdated subconscious beliefs systems with the new belief systems that empower you.


  1. Healing occurs in divine timing.

  2. Forgives is essential.

  3. You will heal once you learn your lessons that only you have elected to learn.

  4. Claim the virtues that the challenges have brought forward in order to avoid repeating the lessons.

  5. Be easy on yourself, this “opportunity” is happening for you not to you.

  6. When you upgrade yourself it will benefit not only you, but also your ancestors, and legacy.

Most people won’t give you this perspective. But, remember how important the hard drive is for a computer to operate. Just like the information center, our belief systems inform our every move, how we heal, and what we feel.

Empower yourself and dig deeper. You can heal!

May the light of love guide your way on,



Heart and Snakes


White Bean + Shitake Meldley Soup