What is my role during these chaotic times?

A good question to ask your higher self in meditation on a daily is, "what is my role within all these global changes and collective chaos?" Everyone has a role. And for me, it feels like too much to try to save the world alone.  

Many feel they need to know the answers to our current political and global issues now. So they push to make things happen. But, I've learned so much about being comfortable within the unknown. So, instead, I wait for a cue from the Universe to play my part.  

I do not need to know every answer. I do not need to fight the manipulating forces. I do not need to prove I'm right and others are wrong.

Consciousness is expanding for humanity and Mother Earth. But are you allowing yourself to let go of past wounds, outdated beliefs, and made-up constructs of the mind?  Maybe relationships and old habits are begging you to release them? Letting go of baggage will help you find your way.  

We are in a collective purge, and we are all healing. As we create space within, we can tap into the new wave of information and expanded consciousness coming through to our planet right now.  

It is available for all of us to receive.  Now is the time.  

Indeed, we are in a growth spurt like no other, and many will resist it because change can be frightening. The growing pains are real, and yet it's all part of the beauty of nature.

I've learned from my health opportunities to let go.  It was devastating to watch almost everything I created crumble in front of my eyes. I suffered much loss. But, when I learned to let go and flow with life, everything got so much easier. THE ANSWERS I WAS LOOKING FOR APPEARED when I got myself out of survival and into the flow.  

Are you doing the best you can? 

You probably are. But maybe you can learn to let go and listen just a little bit more with an open heart and your higher mind?

Only you will know this answer. 

My prayer; "Show me the way, and I will show up."

Until then, I will wrap myself up in a blanket of peace, and when It's time to show up, I'll be vibrant and in love.

Doing it this way conserves my energy until the time of truth calls me. And, I expect to be light enough to hear the messages.  

I leave you with this.

With love and peace,



The Water Blessing Song


Shades In Between