'Conekted' to the New Earth

Many of us are blessed to slow down with a collective pause, look within, and change the things we do not want in our life. With the new 2020 vision, we can take this opportunity to replace the old, with new heart-centered ideas that benefit all of humanity. 

My personal pause lasted for four years; through a couple of critical viruses, cancer, and facing the possibility of death. My mind struggled with so much loss, but when I managed to let go of control and connect to what truly mattered most, the answers I needed to take action to heal came through my heart-mind connection. A new way of being, way of living, way of relating to self and others, aka a new world, wanted to be born. 

In my last post on 'Transmuting Darkness into Light,' I thought it would be a good idea to follow it with a few more simple tips on how we can engage in that process by connecting the heart with the mind.   How can we view this curious time as an experience happening 'for us' instead of happening to us?  If the opportunities that are here now are happening for us, then we must harness them to bring forth a new reality. 

My child RaYa reminded me one morning that everything is ok and on track.  That is why I'd like to start with a story of my son's dream and how it inspired me to share how we have the power to create within our own waking dream.  

2020 is the year of vision, an opportunity to expand our intuition, senses, and inner guidance system.  Many teachers, numerologists, and astrologers are claiming we can use this year to create new realities in our life, or better yet, a new world that is more heart-mind connected.  My son has no idea about the prophecies or the language used to describe these potent times.  He is just a clear channel with Divine messages If I only allow myself to listen and receive. 

“The secret to change is to focus your ENERGY not on fighting the old but building the new. -SOCRATES”


My Son RaYa Who Just Turned Seven Years Old, Had A Dream The Other Night That A Brand New Earth Was Being Created Right Next To Our Current Earth.

He Said '“The New Earth Was Smaller Because It Was New.”

RaYa Explained That “The Old And New Earth Were ‘Connekted’.”

His Wisdom Never Ceases To Amaze Me. The Purest Of Hearts Have This Immense Connection To The Information That Has Been Prophesized For Years By Indigenous Communities And Channels.

All Of Us Have The Capacity And The Wisdom To Create Change In Our Reality. The Wisdom Already Lies Within; We Just Have To Remember Who We Are.

My son’s drawing is a metaphor. We are collectively experiencing a potent time on Earth.   We have the freedom of choice; to drown in fear of the mind and external forces or move beyond the illusion and experience COVID-19 as the most profound teacher of all. When the mind ‘goes there’ we can ask the heart to remember who we really are, even if we do not understand it all.   We can face the darkness, the chaos, the changing times as a way to move through the shadows without getting caught up in the darkness or fear of our minds.  This is the time to face what was hiding away for so long.  The secrets aren’t secrets any longer, but we must approach them with compassion in order to resolve them and finally free them. 

We cannot create something new through the mind or past patterns or old beliefs.  But, we can create through a new elevated consciousness when we are truly connected, heart-mind to Source, for true change to occur.   I cant attest; connection, compassion,  perception,  and trust, were the ways I got through stage four cancer.  

“We have been blessed to slow down with a collective pause to look within and change the things we do not want and replace them with a new heart-centered vision that benefits all of humanity. ”

I have added a few tips below on how you can start creating the world you wish to experience now. The time is now, and the Universe has created the door that is just waiting for us to walk through.   In many teachings around the world, they have discussed this timeline, and we are in it now.  We have the freedom to choose the way we want to create the world we live in. 

Connect and listen to your children, including your inner child, and keep them pure, for they are the channels to help us all in our evolution. Practice presence and encourage their joyful expression, and their play-creation mode as much as you can. This will help them continue to vibrate at the higher levels they are meant to. Change is in the air. Can you feel it?

Too much homework or busy work or screen time can clog up pure connection. I am not saying these things are bad; Just keep the balance for both the adults and children. Hands on the Earth, bathing in water, running, dancing, gardening, singing, and playing keeps us in the energy we need now to seed this new reality.

As a collective, we have the opportunity to walk through this portal now! Connect to that inner wisdom, know you chose to be here right now and envision in your heart the earth you want to live in.

I urge you to use this pause as an opportunity to regenerate and connect to yourself. See the potential in what is happening globally. Our emotions are much more contagious than the coronavirus. There is more to the story than gloom and doom and beyond the fear, there lies possibility.

Take this time to look within, and envision the world you wish to participate in.The children and your child within are our greatest teachers.

Staying Connected

In our past conditioning, most of us have locked up our inner child to focus on adult matters.  The inner child is the part of us as that brings in synchronicities, magic, dreams, and keeps us in high vibrations.   Bring your beloved inner child out to play, dream, and engage in playful activities. Gardening and sitting under a tree are immensely helpful right now as nature is healing.   Use this opportunity to receive guidance on how to look within and start healing. If you need help, just ask.  There is no better time than now to hire a healer, a therapist, do a spiritual cleanse, write, ask for guidance in prayer.  Your intention will guide you. The answers that you seek will be delivered and will come through you.  But first, pause and receive this time as a miracle that is happening FOR YOU vs. to you. 

There is nothing else to do than to ‘be the light.’  Unhook yourself from the enormous job of having to help others or the world. In the past, I had a  tendency of moving outside of myself in order to help the world. What serves me and others more now is to own my inner light.   Through that kind of surrender, the answers will come through me, and the right actions will be known for me.    The media, other people’s opinions, and judgments, and continuous research will only bring us immense overwhelm and drain our spirit.  What I do instead is to keep asking my higher self to give me information on a “need to know” basis; no more no less.  From this place of trust and asking Spirit, I am drawn to what to research and what steps to take that will benefit me my and family.  It is the law of least effort that brings me the most impact. 

“Even through intense darkness, I keep choosing to harness own my light time and time again. ”

These words may merely be a reminder to you, or It may just be the first time you feel this connection to being a seed of the New Earth.  Your life experience and personal work have prepared you to be a clear channel.  The new Earth is being birthed through you.

May financial, relational, and spiritual challenges be faced with love to create a new way of relating with them instead of forcing the old ways to “fit” again.   If we all choose to rise vibrationally above the current drama, we have succeeded.  Keep dancing, meditating, singing, writing, and connecting to what truly matters because these rituals will help you anchor the 2020 vision and become more of a clear channel. Let's birth this new Earth together.

2020 is just the beginning.  Remember, this pause can be an enormous gift if you choose it to be. 

In the light of love,

Yve Hart


Honoring the ancestors


Transmuting Darkness into Light